Case Studies: MQUAD in Action


Case Studies: MQUAD and Research

Research Challenge

AMPAS leadership was concerned about viewership declines for its signature Academy Awards show and about its corporate culture.

Case Studies: Methodology and MQUAD


SCRC interviewed people within five key constituencies: Academy members and award winners; AMPAS board members; creative partners; award-show partners; and AMPAS staff.

Case Studies: How MQUAD Helped

How MQUAD Helped

SCRC used MQUAD to manage and analyze interview data in the scientifically rigorous manner required by AMPAS. The methods applied—data interaction, analysis, and interpretations—provided AMPAS with confidence in the teams’ decision-making. The research team was able to quickly identify consistent patterns via the Data Visualization function. The Visualization tool exposed clear distinctions between the various Academy constituencies and provided insight into key themes that led to actionable decisions about rebranding. Outcome: AMPAS was able to better identify and capitalize on its assets outside of the Oscars, ultimately greenlighting the construction of an AMPAS museum. In addition, it refreshed its Awards show and is working to make it more relevant and inclusive, with new talent and a new format. It also improved its outreach within the entertainment industry and reexamined its partner relationships.

Case Studies: MQUAD Clients

Client: Scarcliff Salvador

Corporate branding agency Scarcliff Salvador, Los Angeles

Case Studies: MQUAD and Research

Research Challenge

Create an identity for a new off-Strip luxury hotel in Las Vegas that resonates with prospective high-income guests.

Case Studies: Methodology and MQUAD


Survey wealthy Vegas visitors about what they value in a luxury hotel property.

Case Studies: How MQUAD Helped

How MQUAD Helped

Data concerning key topics related to hotel choices were imported from SurveyMonkey into MQUAD. Scarcliff Salvador then developed a coding system around key topics. After applying codes to all open-ended responses, the team used a code-weighting system of 1 to 10 indexing how important each factor is in wealthy visitors' decision-making. The MQUAD code-weighting system and code-weight descriptor bubble plots were particularly valuable. Factors that emerged as the most important in hotel choice were `Warmth,' 'Luxury,' and 'Sophistication.' The code - weighting system allowed the team to index the relative degree of importance each characteristic played for each participant. Yet there was wide variation by income level toward these key factors. So the team then turned to the MQUAD bubble plots to learn more. The code-weight bubble plot revealed four income-specific groups, each with distinct attitudes. After examining the tagged excerpts associated with each group, Scarcliff Salvador created summary composites for each and prepared recommendations to the developer. Outcome: Using the MQUAD data analysis provided by Scarcliff Salavador, the property developer was able to customize the design, decor and staffing to embody those characteristics that prospective customers reported as most important to them. Likewise, MQUAD made it easy for the firm to identify the natural language used by each unique target-market segment for use in marketing materials and messaging.