MQUAD Features


Full Qualitative and Mixed Methods Support

Repository Services

MQUAD provides comprehensive solutions to store, exchange and access tools, questionnaires and collected data as part of MQUAD or otherwise.

  • Question bank
  • Tool archives
  • Data repository

Advanced Form Management

State of art functionalities allows user to create, manage and do several other things with menu driven options

  • Excel and web-based form development
  • Multi-format look-up functionality
  • Inter-portability

Fully Web-Based and Cross Platform
Intuitive Features

Sampling Module

Implements alogorithm to draw samples without storing data

  • Simple random sampling
  • Systematic random sampling

Data Quality Analytics

MQUAD provides a range of data quality parameters including time, GPS, keystroke, etc.

  • Timestamp
  • Keystroke
  • Audio
  • Sleep time
  • Hint and error statistics
  • Others

Fully Interactive Visualizations and Analytics
Comprehensive Media Support

User Friendly

No need for users to have advanced technical skills or programming knowledge, hence, user friendly

  • Menu driven
  • Easy to locate functions
  • Rich help files
  • Example excel forms

Data Export

MQUAD allows export of data into multiple formats

  • Excel
  • Stata
  • SPSS
  • JSON

Fast and Friendly Import/Export Features

Secured Data Controls

To be written.

Top-Tier Data Security and Privacy Protection

Support Services

MQUAD has a system to support its users in a quick and transparent way

  • Response within 12 hours
  • Demo videos
  • MQUAD community

Outstanding Support